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Hi I'm Xine, aka Spicy Love Coach

I help ambitious women like you find and keep healthy love!

Xine La Fontaine Love Coach blowing cand

As a woman who was partnered & married for over 20 years, I get the challenges of both longer-term relationships... and getting back into the world of dating. 

I've taken everything that worked really well for me & my clients (after many heartbreaks and mistakes) and created a coaching system that will help you thrive in your love and dating life.

And I've made it my mission to bring more love to this world,
one healthy relationship at a time.

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Xine La Fontaine is a deliciously seductive invitation into higher truth. She sparkles with wisdom and life and is ambitious to serve humanity.


This is the process I personally use, that will help you go from feeling love & dating underwhelmed... to excited, hopeful and attracting your ideal, healthy love life pronto.


We start by making sure your beliefs and underlying stories about what's possible for you in love are aligned with where you want to be! 
You get to decide and create:
What you REALLY REALLY want to experience in your love life.


MOVEMENT (or embodiment)
We step into various forms of embodiment to really drive your desire home... as well as care for past hurts that might be keeping you stuck. 
We use dance, your everyday movements as well as tantric and somatic practices that help you feel confident, empowered and free as you move through your dating or relationship progress.


This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. 
You get to have fun applying all the internal work you've done out into the real world. With dating practices, relationship skills such as communication, and highly impactful tantric tools that you can use with your partner(s) to create greater (and spicier!) intimacy and connection.

A few love quirks about me...


I'm a recovering anxious-attachment style 


I've tested out several relationship formats: monogamy, open, BDMS


I moved my (then) family of four with 2 kids across the ocean... 3 times


I'm dating, have bouts of chronic illness and am a single mom of a lovely teen.

Yes it can be done!


I'm a chocolate addict, dance enthusiast and have secretly been creating a love-themed album with my brother as a singer / songwriter.

Follow the new BlogCast over in Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

Spicy Love Coach Xine La Fontaine Podcast

I help women go from feeling underwhelmed in love & dating... to soul-deep worthy and creating the love that makes them feel alive, adored and devoured in the best possible ways.

Contact Me!

Reach out for more information on how we can work together in a 1:1 coaching container or through my online programs.

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