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Image by Simon Berger

Love Struck

An course for women who don't "need" a partner...
but (secretly) desire to attract love this year. 

2024 is your LOVE year

The year that brought you from feeling dating-discouraged and "better off alone" to magnetizing right opportunities... and enjoying them!

The year same old dating patterns drastically shift and instead:

You attract the one who walks in smiling as you close your laptop after a lovely client session.

Throws down a pair of plane tickets for the destination you've been talking about...

and says: "bring the red dress" (drool).

The best part for you, my passionate one:

This 12-month companion course moves with you, wherever you go.
It's an online course that won't keep you online!

But will bring you one of your greatest adventures yet:


Image by Z S

Hi I'm Xine!

Love Coach, Dancer

I'm devoted to helping passionate humans like you who've built beautiful lives for yourselves and do quite well on your own... but kinda wish you had a fun and supportive partner to share it all with. 

I've been there. For years I worried that I might be "too much" for potential partners. And yet... I succeeded in two long term relationships (4 years and then 21 with kids!) in a fabulous ocean-view house on a sub-tropical island! 

As a Tantric Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, I've distilled my teachings and lessons down into essential core love embodiment topics you'll receive every month, to help make the coming year the one that changed everything for you in love... instead of repeating the same old patterns.


I have personally been applying these techniques in my own dating life now as a single mom and happily witness how quickly I've moved from attracting ALL the wrong guys after separating... to knowing my next adventure in love is right around the corner.

Allow me to accompany you throughout 2024 as a love sidekick that whispers into your ear every morning... (in a totally non creepy way).

Xine La Fontaine Love Coach woman with candle

Here's what you'll experience

  • Every month starting January 1st, like a kid at Christmas, you'll get excited to receive your new theme and materials in your inbox.

  • Every morning, as you sip your hot cup of tea looking out at the waves, you'll enjoy me-time by listening to your monthly audio love-confidence meditation on your phone.

  • You'll go about your day, either landing in your next location or working from home, applying your embodiment practices and ways of being around love, that will suddenly make you magnetic to the right hotties. Not your usual pattern of attraction (we can thank those for serving their purpose but they're no longer needed...)

  • And finally, after enjoying your second date with that old friend you've know for AGES, but never saw in "that way"... you close up your day, with gratitude for the new love potential coming into your life, deepening your practice with visualization or pleasurable journal prompts. 

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Image by Jake Hills

Love-Confidence Modules

Here's a teaser of what's to come in your first few months.

Rred rose on black background

01 January - What if... Playing with the Possibility of Love

This month's theme is all about playfully allowing the possibility of love to emerge over the coming year... "What if I could have what I wanted, what would that be?" "What flavors of love do I like?" Let's explore and gradually let our heart and body get used to this reality in our everyday. 

02 February - Opening to Love

Now that you've warmed up those muscles of possibility, this month's theme is all about opening your heart to greater love and intimacy. Creating greater ease around receiving love in all its facets. 

Quarter moon
Colorful flame on black background

03 March: Love-Worthy & Deserving

This month's theme is one of the most impactful aspects I help my clients with: feeling deeply and genuinely worthy and deserving of their desired love.

This will be your game-changer.

Start with me right now...

Close your eyes and envision what life could be like at the end of 2024:

  • Popping a bottle of Champagne on New Year's Eve with your new love, as you enjoy the view from your hotel room in Paris

  • Having someone sincerely want to come and help you when you're not feeling

  • Your new landlord handing over the keys to your new shared flat

  • Those nauseatingly romantic travel photos on Instagram that your friends make fun of, but secretly want to experience too...

  • Your love is more than happy to take those photos of you, because they're so incredibly proud of being by your side and want to show you off to the world

  • Those rainy evenings at home with candles, warm soup they've cooked for you and lots of sexy moments in between.

  • Planning a month away in Thailand for a Tantra retreat!

  • The list goes on...

Book your Spot

When you sign up, you'll receive: 

- A monthly themed series of love-confidence enhancing mindset practices

- A short monthly audio meditation you can download to your phone

- Everyday embodiment & dance practices for you to do

throughout the month.

Xine La Fontaine Love Coach blowing out a candle
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Xine La Fontaine Love Coach arms up in excitement

Wanting a more personal approach?

I'm opening a few 1:1 coaching spots per month!

This 1:1 Igniter Upgrade is your opportunity to go from feeling stuck to mastering any one of the monthly topics. This is to be applied during your participation in the Love Struck program.

You receive 2x 60-90 minute 1:1 fun online coaching calls with me within a single month's topic of the course as well as Voxer support.

Use this to deepen your learning, become heart-liberated so that you can finally experience that healthy-sexy love you desire... with additional support as you move through this program.

I have very limited space for these, so be sure to reserve if you already know you'll want support during a specific monthly topic.


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Need help or have questions?

Feel free to reach out to me by Email at christine @ or use the contact form in the link below and let's get you sorted. 

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